Vedibandha of the Kaner-ki-Putli Temple 公开 Deposited

The Kaner-ki-Putli Temple is elevated on a tall vedibandha (basal mouldings). Some of the base mouldings are partially obscured by the ground due to the restoration carried out recently. These mouldings comprise kapotapalika (cyma recta), kalasha (a pitcher), grassapatta (a band of kirtimukha or face of glory), and patta (band), adorned with jala (checkered) carvings, from the bottom to the top. Positioned above these mouldings is a kumbha (pot), intricately carved with deities and a ratnapatta (diamond band). Beyond the kumbha, there are carvings of kalasha, antarapatta (recesses between mouldings), and kapotapalika.

Creator 贡献者 Publisher 关键词 地点
  • Bhilwara
Resource type Rights statement


