Tree trunk seen as a manifestation of Holika Öffentlichkeit Deposited

The tree trunk is seen as a manifestation of Holika, who possessed a boon making her immune to fire. Holika’s brother, Hiranyakashipu, had a son named Prahlad, who had unwavering bhakti (devotion) towards Lord Vishnu. In an attempt to kill Prahlad, Hiranyakashipu instructed Holika to sit on a burning pyre with Prahlad on her lap. However, due to Prahlad’s devotion to Lord Vishnu, he was saved from the flames while Holika was burned to ashes. This event symbolizes the victory of good over evil and is commemorated as Holika dahan.

Creator Mitwirkende Publisher Stichwort Ort
  • Mumbai
Resource type Rights statement


