Matharpacady-08.jpg 公开 Deposited

A bread seller ferrying his goods on a bicycle in front of D’Silva House, 24 Matharpacady, the house of Mr Trevor D’Silva, and his sister Joan Saint-Prix, grandnephew and grandniece to Joseph ‘Kaka’ Baptista (1864-1930), Indian freedom fighter and a prominent member of the East Indian community. Kaka Baptista was born in Matharpacady in 1864 in his ancestral house which has now been demolished and replaced by a high-rise building. Kaka Baptista was a barrister at the Bombay High Court and was closely associated with Bal Gangadhar Tilak. In 1925, he was elected as the mayor of the Bombay Municipal Corporation.

Creator 贡献者 Publisher 关键词 地点
  • Mazagaon
Resource type Rights statement


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