A kirtimukha figure with ardha padma and kalpa lata motifs 公开 Deposited

Tablet-like plaques are placed on the adhisthana (facing east). These plaques depict various types of flora and fauna as well as hybrid creatures like kinnara, vyala, and makara. The plaques are tightly arranged, richly detailed, and deeply carved, creating contrasting shadows that make the artwork look three-dimensional in sunlight. The central artwork of the plaque is in the form of a circular medallion surrounded by a foliage motif. This plaque features a kirtimukha (face of glory) with ardha padma (half lotus) and kalpa lata (creeper) motifs covering the rest of the plaque surface.

Creator 贡献者 Publisher 关键词 地点
  • Abhaneri
Resource type Rights statement


