Lalatabimba on the Garbhagriha entrance of the Shiva Temple 2 公开 Deposited

The lalatabimba (lintel) on the garbhagriha (sanctum sanctorum) entrance of the Shiva Temple (Shiva Temple 2) features a seated Lakulisa within a small niche. Lakulisa is depicted in padmasana (lotus pedestal pose) with two arms, holding a phala (fruit) and a danda (staff). On either side, Gandharva (celestial musicians) couples are illustrated holding garlands. The uttaranga (top horizontal band of the architrave) of the temple showcases depictions of Matrikas, Veerabhadra, along with Ganesha and Brahma.

Creator 贡献者 Publisher 关键词 地点
  • Jhalawar
Resource type Rights statement


