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Temples of India
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- Descrição:
- The south face of the sukanasa (antefix above the roof of the kapila) shows a monkey sitting on a pedestal just above the balcony scene. The monkey is depicted eating fruit, with a noteworthy expression featuring large, bulging circular eyes and an open mouth. There are many temples in which animals are depicted. As monkeys are notorious in nature, they are mostly shown jumping and climbing but here, these actions are not depicted. Rather, the monkey is shown seated alone, peacefully eating a fruit, which makes it a unique representation.
- Palavra-chave:
- Baroli, Vishnu, Ghateshwar Temple, Mahishasuramardini Temple, Sadashiva Temple, Architecture, Chittorgarh, Archaeological Survey of India (ASI), Ganesha, Shiva, Nagara temple architecture, Rawatbhata, Rajasthan, 10th - 11th Century CE, Jodhpur Circle, Pratihara, Temples of India, Vamana Temple, and Temple
- O Criador:
- Temples of India Project Team
- Contribuinte:
- Dr Nikita Rathore
- Owner:
- tushar1.ayyar@jioinstitute.edu.in
- Editor:
- Jio Institute
- Localização:
- Chittorgarh
- Data carregada:
- 30-05-2024
- Data modificada:
- 30-05-2024
- Rights Statement Tesim:
- In Copyright
- Resource Type:
- Image
- Descrição:
- The top portion of the pillars of the mukhamandapa (front porch) shows couples engaged in different activities such as love-making, dancing, and tender gestures such as a male figure removing a thorn from his partner’s foot and kissing. On the proper right pillar of the mukhamandapa, one panel shows a couple carrying weapons and embracing each other. The couple is flanked by beautiful female figures holding garlands and scarves.
- Palavra-chave:
- Baroli, Vishnu, Ghateshwar Temple, Mahishasuramardini Temple, Sadashiva Temple, Pratihara, Chittorgarh, Archaeological Survey of India (ASI), Ganesha, Shiva, Nagara temple architecture, Rawatbhata, Rajasthan, Vamana Temple, Jodhpur Circle, Architecture, Temples of India, Temple, and 10th - 11th Century CE
- O Criador:
- Temples of India Project Team
- Contribuinte:
- Dr Nikita Rathore
- Owner:
- tushar1.ayyar@jioinstitute.edu.in
- Editor:
- Jio Institute
- Localização:
- Chittorgarh
- Data carregada:
- 30-05-2024
- Data modificada:
- 30-05-2024
- Rights Statement Tesim:
- In Copyright
- Resource Type:
- Image
- Descrição:
- The pillars of the mukhamandapa (front porch) show youthful and charming sursundaris (celestial damsels) with captivating beauty. While many of these figures are badly damaged or lost, the intact figures show the voluptuous bodies of these sursundaris, covered with translucent, fine pieces of cloth, standing on lotus flowers. Their appearance is further enhanced by the jewelleries and elaborate hairstyles.
- Palavra-chave:
- Baroli, Jodhpur Circle, Ghateshwar Temple, Mahishasuramardini Temple, Sadashiva Temple, Pratihara, Chittorgarh, Archaeological Survey of India (ASI), Ganesha, Shiva, Nagara temple architecture, Rawatbhata, Rajasthan, Vamana Temple, Vishnu, Architecture, Temples of India, 10th - 11th Century CE, and Temple
- O Criador:
- Temples of India Project Team
- Contribuinte:
- Dr Nikita Rathore
- Owner:
- tushar1.ayyar@jioinstitute.edu.in
- Editor:
- Jio Institute
- Localização:
- Chittorgarh
- Data carregada:
- 30-05-2024
- Data modificada:
- 30-05-2024
- Rights Statement Tesim:
- In Copyright
- Resource Type:
- Image
- Descrição:
- The antarala (vestibule or antechamber) is a rectangular passage that connects the mukhamandapa (front porch) and garbhagriha (sanctum sanctorum). The ceiling of the antarala is beautifully adorned with three square frames aligned in a row. Each of these square frames is decorated with a full-blown flower.
- Palavra-chave:
- Ganesha, Rajasthan, 10th - 11th Century CE, Temples of India, Rawatbhata, Mahishasuramardini Temple, Ghateshwar Temple, Pratihara, Architecture, Sadashiva Temple, Vishnu, Nagara temple architecture, Chittorgarh, Archaeological Survey of India (ASI), Jodhpur Circle, Vamana Temple, Baroli, Temple, and Shiva
- O Criador:
- Temples of India Project Team
- Contribuinte:
- Dr Nikita Rathore
- Owner:
- tushar1.ayyar@jioinstitute.edu.in
- Editor:
- Jio Institute
- Localização:
- Chittorgarh
- Data carregada:
- 30-05-2024
- Data modificada:
- 30-05-2024
- Rights Statement Tesim:
- In Copyright
- Resource Type:
- Image
- Descrição:
- The mukhamandapa (front porch) of the Ghateshwar Temple has an entry through an intricately carved makara-torana (ornamental arch adorned with intricate carvings of mythical crocodile creatures). The torana (ornamental arch) shows makara (crocodile) on each end. These makaras are being attacked by knights with a sword in their mouth. The floral bands emitting from the mouths of the makaras form a pointed arch, above which musicians are shown seated, playing musical instruments, and singing. At the apex, a kirtimukha (face of glory) flanked by two flute players is depicted.
- Palavra-chave:
- Baroli, Vishnu, Ghateshwar Temple, Mahishasuramardini Temple, Sadashiva Temple, Pratihara, Chittorgarh, Archaeological Survey of India (ASI), Ganesha, Shiva, Nagara temple architecture, Rawatbhata, Rajasthan, Temple, Jodhpur Circle, Architecture, Temples of India, Vamana Temple, and 10th - 11th Century CE
- O Criador:
- Temples of India Project Team
- Contribuinte:
- Dr Nikita Rathore
- Owner:
- tushar1.ayyar@jioinstitute.edu.in
- Editor:
- Jio Institute
- Localização:
- Chittorgarh
- Data carregada:
- 30-05-2024
- Data modificada:
- 30-05-2024
- Rights Statement Tesim:
- In Copyright
- Resource Type:
- Image
- Descrição:
- On the proper left side of the doorframe, the river Goddess Yamuna is depicted standing on a pedestal, with her vahana (mount), a kachhapa (tortoise), shown on the same pedestal. Next to her, a Shaiva dvarapala (door guardian) is depicted with his two attendants, one male and one female. Beneath this, a niche is carved, featuring a figure of Kartikeya with three heads, holding his weapon, the spear, in front.
- Palavra-chave:
- Baroli, Jodhpur Circle, Ghateshwar Temple, Mahishasuramardini Temple, Sadashiva Temple, Pratihara, Chittorgarh, Temples of India, Ganesha, Shiva, Nagara temple architecture, Rawatbhata, Rajasthan, Temple, Vishnu, Architecture, Archaeological Survey of India (ASI), Vamana Temple, and 10th - 11th Century CE
- O Criador:
- Temples of India Project Team
- Contribuinte:
- Dr Nikita Rathore
- Owner:
- tushar1.ayyar@jioinstitute.edu.in
- Editor:
- Jio Institute
- Localização:
- Chittorgarh
- Data carregada:
- 30-05-2024
- Data modificada:
- 30-05-2024
- Rights Statement Tesim:
- In Copyright
- Resource Type:
- Image
- Descrição:
- The mukhamandapa (front porch) is an open hall with a magnificent entrance dominated by a makara-torana (ornamental arch adorned with intricate carvings of mythical crocodile creatures). The pillars of the mukhamandapa are carved with the figures of sursundaris (celestial maidens) and passionate couples, symbolizing the worldly realm. This stands in contrast to the main sanctum where the divine resides in darkness.
- Palavra-chave:
- Ganesha, Rajasthan, Baroli, Temples of India, Temple, Mahishasuramardini Temple, Ghateshwar Temple, Pratihara, Architecture, Sadashiva Temple, Vishnu, Nagara temple architecture, Chittorgarh, Archaeological Survey of India (ASI), Jodhpur Circle, Vamana Temple, 10th - 11th Century CE, Rawatbhata, and Shiva
- O Criador:
- Temples of India Project Team
- Contribuinte:
- Dr Nikita Rathore
- Owner:
- tushar1.ayyar@jioinstitute.edu.in
- Editor:
- Jio Institute
- Localização:
- Chittorgarh
- Data carregada:
- 30-05-2024
- Data modificada:
- 30-05-2024
- Rights Statement Tesim:
- In Copyright
- Resource Type:
- Image
- Descrição:
- The centre of the rangamandapa (open type of pillared hall) has a low-raised platform with pillars that support the central ceiling. Presently, a Shiva linga without a yonipatta (womb-shaped base for the linga) is placed at the center of this square platform. The Shiva linga may have been a later addition to the original design of the rangamandapa.
- Palavra-chave:
- Ganesha, Rajasthan, Baroli, Temples of India, Temple, Mahishasuramardini Temple, Ghateshwar Temple, Pratihara, Architecture, Sadashiva Temple, Vishnu, Nagara temple architecture, Chittorgarh, Archaeological Survey of India (ASI), Jodhpur Circle, Vamana Temple, 10th - 11th Century CE, Rawatbhata, and Shiva
- O Criador:
- Temples of India Project Team
- Contribuinte:
- Dr Nikita Rathore
- Owner:
- tushar1.ayyar@jioinstitute.edu.in
- Editor:
- Jio Institute
- Localização:
- Chittorgarh
- Data carregada:
- 30-05-2024
- Data modificada:
- 30-05-2024
- Rights Statement Tesim:
- In Copyright
- Resource Type:
- Image
- Descrição:
- Interestingly, the floor of the mukhamandapa (front porch) of the Ghateshwar Temple is engraved with numerous inscriptions. On paleographic grounds, it can be observed that the inscriptions on the floor are heterogeneous and belong to different periods. Their lack of sequence or order further suggests that they belong to different time periods.
- Palavra-chave:
- Baroli, Vishnu, Ghateshwar Temple, Mahishasuramardini Temple, Sadashiva Temple, Architecture, Chittorgarh, Archaeological Survey of India (ASI), Ganesha, Shiva, Nagara temple architecture, Rawatbhata, Rajasthan, 10th - 11th Century CE, Jodhpur Circle, Pratihara, Temples of India, Vamana Temple, and Temple
- O Criador:
- Temples of India Project Team
- Contribuinte:
- Dr Nikita Rathore
- Owner:
- tushar1.ayyar@jioinstitute.edu.in
- Editor:
- Jio Institute
- Localização:
- Chittorgarh
- Data carregada:
- 30-05-2024
- Data modificada:
- 30-05-2024
- Rights Statement Tesim:
- In Copyright
- Resource Type:
- Image
- Descrição:
- The garbhagriha (sanctum sanctorum) is comparatively plain and simple, except for the ceiling, which has a square shape with four-armed bharavakas (weight bearers) positioned at each corner. Their upper arms are raised upward to support the roof, while their lower arms carry weapons and an attribute. The square shape of the ceiling transitions into a circle, resembling a full-blown lotus, with a lotus bud hanging from the centre.
- Palavra-chave:
- Baroli, Vishnu, Ghateshwar Temple, Mahishasuramardini Temple, Sadashiva Temple, Pratihara, Chittorgarh, Temples of India, Ganesha, Shiva, Nagara temple architecture, Rawatbhata, Rajasthan, Temple, Jodhpur Circle, Architecture, Archaeological Survey of India (ASI), Vamana Temple, and 10th - 11th Century CE
- O Criador:
- Temples of India Project Team
- Contribuinte:
- Dr Nikita Rathore
- Owner:
- tushar1.ayyar@jioinstitute.edu.in
- Editor:
- Jio Institute
- Localização:
- Chittorgarh
- Data carregada:
- 30-05-2024
- Data modificada:
- 30-05-2024
- Rights Statement Tesim:
- In Copyright
- Resource Type:
- Image