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Temples of India
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- Descrição:
- Pictured here is a view of the south elevation of the mandapa (pillared hall) of the Suhaveshwar Temple. The mandapa has two lateral transepts on the north and south sides. The exterior of the transepts has plinth mouldings that support a plain wall which is ornamented with pilaster motifs. The dwarf walls have slender and slanting kakshasana (seat backs) that have balustrade designs. Both the vedika (wall) and the slanting seat back of the kakshasana are bereft of ornamentation patterns.
- Palavra-chave:
- Temples of India, 8th to 13th centuries CE, Mauryas of Medapata, Mahanal Temple and Math, Menal, Rajasthan, Suhavadevi, Chittorgarh, Mahanaleshwar, Arnoraja II, Mahanaleshwar Temple, Chahamanas of Shakambhari, Architecture, Shiva, Jodhpur Circle, Mahanal Temple, Archaeological Survey of India (ASI), Temple, and Suhaveshwar Temple
- O Criador:
- Temples of India Project Team
- Contribuinte:
- Swapna Joshi
- Owner:
- tushar1.ayyar@jioinstitute.edu.in
- Editor:
- Jio Institute
- Localização:
- Chittorgarh
- Data carregada:
- 10-06-2024
- Data modificada:
- 14-06-2024
- Rights Statement Tesim:
- In Copyright
- Resource Type:
- Image
- Descrição:
- Similar to the western boundary of the Mahanaleshvar temple complex, the northern side also has two temples which stand close to the main temple. Seen here is a ruinous shrine bereft of any ornamentation. Its superstructure has not survived. It consists of a row of small cells which is fronted by a colonnade. The pillars of the colonnade have plain shafts.
- Palavra-chave:
- Temples of India, Mahanaleshwar, Chahamanas of Shakambhari, Mahanaleshwar Temple, Shiva, Suhaveshwar Temple, Temple, Jodhpur Circle, Suhavadevi, Rajasthan, Mahanal Temple and Math, Arnoraja II, Architecture, Archaeological Survey of India (ASI), Menal, 8th to 13th centuries CE, Mauryas of Medapata, Mahanal Temple, and Chittorgarh
- O Criador:
- Temples of India Project Team
- Contribuinte:
- Swapna Joshi
- Owner:
- tushar1.ayyar@jioinstitute.edu.in
- Editor:
- Jio Institute
- Localização:
- Chittorgarh
- Data carregada:
- 10-06-2024
- Data modificada:
- 11-06-2024
- Rights Statement Tesim:
- In Copyright
- Resource Type:
- Image
- Descrição:
- This is the north-facing lateral transept that is attached to the mandapa (pillared hall) of the Mahanaleshwar Temple. The plinth of this transept had a chamber with a narrow opening to it. This plinth had four pillars that supported the cantilevered roof of the transept. The inner pillars on the plinth are flanked by perforated jalis (latticed windows). The use of these chambers in the basement cannot be ascertained. But they are commonly found in the temples of this region and time period. These possibly served as spaces for meditation.
- Palavra-chave:
- Temples of India, 8th to 13th centuries CE, Mahanal Temple, Mahanal Temple and Math, Menal, Temple, Suhavadevi, Chittorgarh, Mahanaleshwar, Arnoraja II, Mahanaleshwar Temple, Chahamanas of Shakambhari, Architecture, Shiva, Jodhpur Circle, Mauryas of Medapata, Archaeological Survey of India (ASI), Rajasthan, and Suhaveshwar Temple
- O Criador:
- Temples of India Project Team
- Contribuinte:
- Swapna Joshi
- Owner:
- tushar1.ayyar@jioinstitute.edu.in
- Editor:
- Jio Institute
- Localização:
- Chittorgarh
- Data carregada:
- 10-06-2024
- Data modificada:
- 10-06-2024
- Rights Statement Tesim:
- In Copyright
- Resource Type:
- Image
- Descrição:
- Pictured here are the details of the bhadra (central projection) from the north-facing elevation of the Mahanaleshwar Temple. The devakoshtha (niche) on the central bhadra projection is a deep niche with an image of eight armed Chamunda inside. The devakoshtha is made up of two ornate pilasters that have icons at the base. These pilasters stand on a pedestal which is fashioned like a kapotali (cyma recta) and supports an udgama (pediment) above. This udgama is made up of a mesh of gavakshas (chaitya or dormer window arches) arranged like a pyramid. The east and west-facing sides of the devakoshthas have attendants. Chamunda has a skeletal body, stands on a dead human body, and holds a kapaal (human skull), khatvanga (staff with a skull), trishula (trident), naag (serpent), damru (hourglass-shaped drum), etc. attributes. She is biting the finger of her upper left hand.
- Palavra-chave:
- Temples of India, 8th to 13th centuries CE, Mahanal Temple, Mahanal Temple and Math, Menal, Temple, Suhavadevi, Chittorgarh, Mahanaleshwar, Arnoraja II, Mahanaleshwar Temple, Chahamanas of Shakambhari, Architecture, Shiva, Jodhpur Circle, Mauryas of Medapata, Archaeological Survey of India (ASI), Rajasthan, and Suhaveshwar Temple
- O Criador:
- Temples of India Project Team
- Contribuinte:
- Swapna Joshi
- Owner:
- tushar1.ayyar@jioinstitute.edu.in
- Editor:
- Jio Institute
- Localização:
- Chittorgarh
- Data carregada:
- 10-06-2024
- Data modificada:
- 10-06-2024
- Rights Statement Tesim:
- In Copyright
- Resource Type:
- Image
- Descrição:
- Seen here is the north-facing façade of the residential building, a Shaiva matha from the Suhaveshwar temple complex. It is a two-storeyed structure with several rooms on both floors. The matha is in ruinous condition. The exterior stone of the matha is broken in several places.
- Palavra-chave:
- Jodhpur Circle, 8th to 13th centuries CE, Mauryas of Medapata, Mahanal Temple and Math, Menal, Rajasthan, Suhavadevi, Chittorgarh, Mahanaleshwar, Arnoraja II, Mahanaleshwar Temple, Chahamanas of Shakambhari, Architecture, Suhaveshwar Temple, Temples of India, Mahanal Temple, Archaeological Survey of India (ASI), Temple, and Shiva
- O Criador:
- Temples of India Project Team
- Contribuinte:
- Swapna Joshi
- Owner:
- tushar1.ayyar@jioinstitute.edu.in
- Editor:
- Jio Institute
- Localização:
- Chittorgarh
- Data carregada:
- 10-06-2024
- Data modificada:
- 14-06-2024
- Rights Statement Tesim:
- In Copyright
- Resource Type:
- Image
- Descrição:
- Seen here is the samvarna variety of pyramidal shikhara of the Mahanaleshwar temple. Each of the small aedicules is composed of small discs that descend like a pyramid. Since the aedicules have bell-like finials, the type of shikhara is known as ghanta samvarna.
- Palavra-chave:
- Temples of India, Mahanaleshwar, Chahamanas of Shakambhari, Mahanaleshwar Temple, Shiva, Suhaveshwar Temple, Temple, Jodhpur Circle, Suhavadevi, Mahanal Temple, Mahanal Temple and Math, Arnoraja II, Chittorgarh, Archaeological Survey of India (ASI), Menal, 8th to 13th centuries CE, Mauryas of Medapata, Rajasthan, and Architecture
- O Criador:
- Temples of India Project Team
- Contribuinte:
- Swapna Joshi
- Owner:
- tushar1.ayyar@jioinstitute.edu.in
- Editor:
- Jio Institute
- Localização:
- Chittorgarh
- Data carregada:
- 10-06-2024
- Data modificada:
- 10-06-2024
- Rights Statement Tesim:
- In Copyright
- Resource Type:
- Image
- Descrição:
- Seen here are the plinth details of the east-facing elevation of the Mahanaleshwar Temple. Starting from the bottom to top, there are four mouldings in the plinth which consist of a plain kani moulding, graaspatti (a band of kirtimukha or face of glory), gajathara (band of elephants) and narathara (moulding containing human figures). The narathara has mithuna (amorous couples), maithuna, and deities in the depictions.
- Palavra-chave:
- Jodhpur Circle, 8th to 13th centuries CE, Mauryas of Medapata, Mahanal Temple and Math, Menal, Temple, Suhavadevi, Chittorgarh, Mahanaleshwar, Arnoraja II, Mahanaleshwar Temple, Chahamanas of Shakambhari, Architecture, Suhaveshwar Temple, Temples of India, Mahanal Temple, Archaeological Survey of India (ASI), Rajasthan, and Shiva
- O Criador:
- Temples of India Project Team
- Contribuinte:
- Swapna Joshi
- Owner:
- tushar1.ayyar@jioinstitute.edu.in
- Editor:
- Jio Institute
- Localização:
- Chittorgarh
- Data carregada:
- 10-06-2024
- Data modificada:
- 10-06-2024
- Rights Statement Tesim:
- In Copyright
- Resource Type:
- Image
- Descrição:
- Closer view of the jalavatayanas (perforated windows) above the vedika (railing) of the kakshasana (seat backs) of the mandapa (pillared hall) of the Mahanaleshwar Temple. The corner pillars of this mandapa support protruding chajja (balcony). The walls corresponding to the pillars have devakoshthas (niches) with divine figures and dikapalas (gods of cardinal directions) in them. The pillar capitals have bharavahakas (dwarf-like icons that are shown bearing the weight of the temple).
- Palavra-chave:
- Temples of India, Mahanaleshwar, Chahamanas of Shakambhari, Mahanaleshwar Temple, Shiva, Suhaveshwar Temple, Temple, Jodhpur Circle, Mauryas of Medapata, Rajasthan, Mahanal Temple and Math, Arnoraja II, Architecture, Archaeological Survey of India (ASI), Menal, 8th to 13th centuries CE, Suhavadevi, Mahanal Temple, and Chittorgarh
- O Criador:
- Temples of India Project Team
- Contribuinte:
- Swapna Joshi
- Owner:
- tushar1.ayyar@jioinstitute.edu.in
- Editor:
- Jio Institute
- Localização:
- Chittorgarh
- Data carregada:
- 10-06-2024
- Data modificada:
- 10-06-2024
- Rights Statement Tesim:
- In Copyright
- Resource Type:
- Image
- Descrição:
- The north-facing lateral transept of the mandapa (pillared hall) of the Mahanaleshwar Temple has three devakoshthas (niches), of which the two on the right are seen here. The devakoshthas at the centres of the dwarf pillars house an icon of Vishnu and, on the left, an image of Chamunda. The goddess is depicted as having a skeletal body, sagging breasts, fangs, and matted hair. Her two attendants are shown similarly. As attributes, she holds a kapala (human skull) and a dagger.
- Palavra-chave:
- Temples of India, Mahanaleshwar, Chahamanas of Shakambhari, Mahanaleshwar Temple, Shiva, Suhaveshwar Temple, Temple, Jodhpur Circle, Mauryas of Medapata, Mahanal Temple, Mahanal Temple and Math, Arnoraja II, Chittorgarh, Archaeological Survey of India (ASI), Menal, 8th to 13th centuries CE, Suhavadevi, Rajasthan, and Architecture
- O Criador:
- Temples of India Project Team
- Contribuinte:
- Swapna Joshi
- Owner:
- tushar1.ayyar@jioinstitute.edu.in
- Editor:
- Jio Institute
- Localização:
- Chittorgarh
- Data carregada:
- 10-06-2024
- Data modificada:
- 10-06-2024
- Rights Statement Tesim:
- In Copyright
- Resource Type:
- Image
- Descrição:
- This is the closer view of the pillars of the mukhamandapa (front porch) of the Mahanaleshwar Temple. The four pillars, two on either side of the entrance, support the rectangular ceiling. The pillars of the mukhamandapa are square and of the ghatpallava variety, meaning one block is decorated with vases and foliage motifs.
- Palavra-chave:
- Temples of India, Mahanaleshwar, Chahamanas of Shakambhari, Mahanaleshwar Temple, Shiva, Suhaveshwar Temple, Temple, Jodhpur Circle, Mauryas of Medapata, Rajasthan, Mahanal Temple and Math, Arnoraja II, Architecture, Archaeological Survey of India (ASI), Menal, 8th to 13th centuries CE, Suhavadevi, Mahanal Temple, and Chittorgarh
- O Criador:
- Temples of India Project Team
- Contribuinte:
- Swapna Joshi
- Owner:
- tushar1.ayyar@jioinstitute.edu.in
- Editor:
- Jio Institute
- Localização:
- Chittorgarh
- Data carregada:
- 10-06-2024
- Data modificada:
- 10-06-2024
- Rights Statement Tesim:
- In Copyright
- Resource Type:
- Image