Port House (Old Bombay Port Trust building), located on Shoorji Vallabhdas Road, is an imposing building constructed in the first phase of the development of Ballard Estate in the 1890s. However, with ever-increasing maritime traffic, in 1911, it was decided that a new custom house be constructed, which was built adjoining the Port House.
The maritime nature of the Port House (Old Bombay Port Trust Building) is highlighted by the presence of medieval ships projecting from the wall on the upper level of the porch. Two ships jut out of the wall, only half of their length visible. Both feature a figurehead of a winged angel attached to the bow (the forward-most part of the ship).
A triple-arched projecting porch at Port House (Old Bombay Port Trust building). The semi-circular arches have projecting imposts and prominent keystones, the central arch being wider than the ones on the sides. The use of gray ashlar masonry blocks and brown sandstone accents provide strong color contrast.