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Ellora, Ramayana relief at Kailasanath
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Ellora, Vimana of Kailasanath Temple
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Ellora, Ornate Dhvajastambha, Kailasanath Temple
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Ellora, Jain Cave, Matanga Yaksha seated on an elephant
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Ellora, Lord Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh Sculpture at Kailasanath Temple
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Ellora, Lion and Elephant imagery on the base of Kailasanath temple
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Ellora, Jain Cave, Jain Shrine
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Ellora, Mahabharata panel on the outer wall of Kailasanath
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Ellora, Jain Cave, Inner sanctum of a Jain cave temple
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Ellora, Entrance view of a Jain cave
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