Some Koli fisherwomen engage in door-to-door sales, walking through neighbourhoods with baskets of fresh fish to sell to residents. This direct approach allows them to reach customers who may not be able to visit the local fish market.
The simplest method of drying is sun drying, which is suitable considering Mumbai’s hot climate. After leaving the fish in the sun for several days, the heat and airflow gradually remove moisture. Once they are sufficiently dry, the fish are collected in baskets.
Men from the Koli community typically venture out to sea in traditional fishing boats to catch fish, shrimp, crabs, and other marine species. The damaged and unsold fish are bought by Koli women to make dried fish, which is a valuable source of income for many Koli families.
Dried fish is filtered to separate waste, which is collected and sold. Fish waste is composted into khad (organic fertilizer) for use in agriculture and horticulture. Fish-based fertilizers are rich in nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which promote plant growth and improve soil fertility.
Repurposing fish waste into valuable products and resources has not only minimized waste generation, reduced environmental pollution, and created economic opportunities—particularly for Koli women—but it has also contributed to a more sustainable and circular economy.
Winter is the ideal time of year to dry fish since there is a big market for high-quality dried fish. The dried fish trade peaks in September through November and is at its lowest in February through May.
Koli women get together to prepare, dry, sort, and package the fish at a designated location close to the coast. Open areas with plenty of sea breeze and sunlight are ideal for drying.
In Khar Danda Koliwada, it is common to see fish drying on lines, swaying gently in the breeze. The fish are strung together with twine and hung from hooks or lines.
Drying fish is a task assigned to the girls and women in the family, and they start at a young age. Fishing and related activities form the economic backbone of Khar Danda Koliwada, providing livelihoods for the residents and contributing to the socio-economic development of the coastal village.