In 1788, Jonathan Duncan was appointed superintendent and resident at Varanasi (mentioned as Benares) by Lord Cornwallis, where he abolished the practice of infanticide (mostly female newborns). Later, he served as the Governor of Bombay from 1795 till his death in 1811. As Governor, he banned infanticide in Kathiawar (mentioned as Kattywar).
Lectern (Bible stand) with IHS Monogram of the Holy Name of Jesus. IHS stands for the first three letters of 'Jesus' in the Greek language: Iota (I), Eta (H in capitalized form in Greek), and Sigma (S). In Latin, the inscription came to stand for Jesus, Savior of Humankind, derived from Iesus (Jesus) Hominum (of humankind) Salvator (Savior).
Memorial dedicated to Captain EM Ennis, who was “barbarously put to death between Sukkur and Hyderabad in Soinde, on 18th February 1843, en route to the Presidency on sick leave, aged 45 years”. A second memorial was added in 1854 of Captain Henry Fenning, who died of Cholera at Dharwad. Soinde, modern day Sindh, was annexed by the East India Company in 1843, and a few years later, it got attached to the Bombay Presidency.
Adjacent to the west wall, on the left side of the entrance, is the baptismal font. The font was presented in 1861 and made from Caen stone. Five squat pillars made of green color Devonshire marble uphold the font. The squat pillars rest upon basements also made from Caen stone, which in turn is supported by a plinth made from basalt stone.
In recognition of Reverend William Kew Fletcher's services towards the restoration of St. Thomas Church, his friends laid down a memorial in the form of Latin inscriptions on the steps leading to the Chancel. The inscriptions mention his name, ecclesiastical rank (arch chaplain), and Roman numerals of the year, MDCCCLXXI (1871), in which it was inscribed.
View of the central hall of St. Thomas Church from the lobby. The chancel gates separate the hall from the lobby, also called the narthex. The purpose of the narthex was to allow those not eligible for admittance into the general congregation to partake of the service from a distance. The floor is covered in Minton tiles made in Staffordshire, England.